War in the Age of Magic |
Publication date 2002 Period of Warfare covered Peter Pig games always cover a narrow period in order to capture that period. Thus the most important aspects of that war can be modelled and the less important ones piled into the general mechanisms. Large fantasy battles Game setting Associated Peter Pig range Peter Pig always makes sure that the necessary stuff to play the game is available. Range 19. Fantasy. Game scenario generator Peter Pig games are never two equal sides "bashing it out". Each army has a motive such as greed, or hate. Players bring scenery pieces and each may have a special scenery piece such as "Chasm of doom". Game table size WAM i s fought on a 7x5 grid of squares. These squares can be of any size, although feet are preferred . How much scenery needed Peter Pig games use templates to represent scenery areas. The trees and houses are indicative not literal. 0- How many D6 needed Peter games allow a bunch of D6 to be rolled in order to bell curve the outcomes. Results groups around the norm but extremes are possible. 14D6. typically need 4D6 for shooting actions and 14D6 for a ram. Measurement method If measuring has to be very accurate, time is wasted and cheating can occur. Units move from square to square. Most units can move 1 square. Some can use 2. Basing convention Peter Pig rules use 3x3 cm bases for most troop types. this size is tactile. has the same frontage when turned and allows figure formations to have depth as well as width. Each unit is comprised of 4 bases. Some items such as chariots and monsters operate singly. Typical army composition Most PP games use about 100 figures a side. enough for PP to make some big sales and not too many to paint. 20 units is normal. A typical army might have one or two monsters, maybe a host and other "bits". Number of army composition lists included Narrow period focus allows "in war" diversity to be modelled. There are 13 armies listed in detail. Each army has specific attributes and character. Unit motivation mechanism There must be a reason for the general to be where he is. His presence should make a difference. All units can move each turn. Usually the units move as a complete square, making army manoeuvre easy. Moving mechanism Something simple that can be memorised. PP rules give a move distance worth having. Movement is usually 1 or 2 squares per turn. Some units need to roll a D6 in order to go sideways or leave closed terrain. Shooting mechanism Shooting takes into account amount , skill and modifiers but ends up with a bunch of D6. Saving roll gets both players engaged. A bunch of D6 as a square's entire shooter contents shoot at another square Fighting mechanism PP fight mechanism only consider about 8 modifiers. But these are the important ones for that period. another reason for keeping the period span small. A bunch of D6, as a whole square fights another whole square. Plenty of modifiers to take account of circumstances. Morale mechanism Usual PP mechanism is 4,5,6= fails. 1 fail is not too bad. 3 fails is usually "goodnight Vienna". Morale outcomes apply to whole squares. Game length Most PP games last 6 turns. The games are always alternate move type but with interaction via saves, reaction and opportunity. Usually two hours in time. Countdown system with D6 reducing the total each turn. Book keeping Usually a few numbers to write down at the beginning but nothing after that. Most games have a planning sheet available as a free download on the PP website. None Principal victory condition The two sides usually have different criteria to win. Most victory conditions are awarded D6 multiples so their exact worth is not known until the game end. Destruction of the opposing army and its parts. Special points for killing monsters etc. Changes needed for 25mm gaming Not all PP rules can be played with all figure sizes. usually the rules are written for 15mm. Some bigger sizes such as 18/20mm can use the same basing and measurement without any change needed. 25mm will be given a conversion factor. No changes needed as the table is gridded. Accompanying scenery range PP likes to provide a one stop shop. Yes. A range of buildings and related castings. Best parts Bits we like about the game. There is section at the start of each turn in which a challenge can be made from one square to an opposing one. This allows a wizard , host , general or monster to step out for a personal combat. Notes This might be of interest. This game is great for groups of 2 to 6 players.