The 15 Mill |
"The 15 Mill" is a new magazine devoted to 15mm wargaming. |
A not for profit magazine, that promotes the use of 15mm miniatures and modelling in wargaming. |
Gamette Thus gamette 1, "The duel" will have an associated pack of 15mm figures available in December 2018 on the PP website. A gamette pack will usually be made up of existing PP figures with a couple of new one- This "stepping" will allow players to order and paint the pack before the rules come out. the figures in each pack will also blend into a players collection for a specific period. The Duel pack will merge back into any 15mm pirate collection. Each pack will only stay in production for a limited time. We have no idea how long that "limited time" will be at this point however! | ||
Articles The articles in the Mill can be of various lengths. This might be as short as a single picture with an accompanying sentence. Similarly an 11 page article with no pictures is welcomed too. The articles submitted will be the shared property of the 15 Mill and you, it cannot be withdrawn once submitted. Otherwise holes in past editions might appear. 1. Word format is best. PDF might work too. 2. Author should identify themselves fully when submitting , but only first names will be used in the magazine. No strange nicknames etc. 3. Articles will not have live links in them, but web addresses are a fine idea for inclusion. 4. Articles should not directly criticise people or companies. 5. Faces in pictures need to be very small, blurred or cropped off. 6. An editor will reserve the right to amend, modify or comment on articles. This is for safety and good taste. 7. There is no standard of language, photo ability or other which will exclude an article. 8. Gamette figure packs are limited edition. they are not part of any main PP range. |
Magazine |
Release date |
Featured gamette rules |
January 2019 |
The duel (Mill01) |
Edition 2 |
April 2019 |
Petard party (Mill02)gamette figure pack 2= "Petard party" £7 |
2 Parties. Total figures = 2 pairs carrying petards. 4 leaders, 4 bombers =12 men. |
June 2019 |
The train wreckers (Mill03) gamette figure pack 3= "The train wreckers" (33 figures and two pairs of D6) |
Edition 3 of the MillThe train wreckers June 1944Contents 9 French resistance figures 6 Resistance casualties 6 German figures 6 German casualties 6 Gendarme figures Total 33 figures Plus two pairs of D6 Casualties A casualty figure is used when a fighting figure is killed. The rules allow for the removal of casualties so there are fewer casualty markers than fighting figures. Because the Gendarmes and Germans are on the same side they can share the German casualty markers. |
October 2019 |
Trench raid |
Figures:- |
A massive two parter! |
Battery '63 (Mill05) |
June 2020 |
M.A.D. Vikings (Mill06) 4 warriors stripped to the waist. |
Viking combats of honour! |
Edition 7 |
No gamette due to crisis. |
January 2021 |
No gamette due to crisis. |
Edition 9 |
May 2021 |
No gamette due to crisis. |
Edition 10 |
Edition 11 |
Edition 12 |
February 2022 |
Edition 13 |
July 2022 |
Edition 14 |
A Christmas edition. |
Edition 15 |
Edition 16 |
Edition 18 |
A scenery themed issue. |
Edition 19 |
Includes a fill game |